Hello, Not quite sure if this is the place to be asking this, but I have an insect question. I am currently growing various veggies in my raised planter boxes and there seems to be some sort of insect problem going on. Most notably on my zucchini and swiss chard plants. they are little green aphid type insects which jump/fly around almost like fleas. Any idea what these might be? Also, they don't seem to be doing much to my zucchini but my swiss chard are taking a beating. Initially the Swiss chard was doing great and I was able to harvest twice. then when these insects showed up the majority of the swiss chard leaves have brown blotches and eventually die. I cut off a few leaves for my salad and just tore off the brown bits. I noticed that one of the leaves has almost like a blister on it. I figured there might be something living in there so I ruptured it and lo and behold there was a maggot larva type thing wiggling around. any ideas of what they might be and how to deal with them? thanks in advance, -rob
I think I may have identified the culprit. it sounds like its some type of leaf miner. I read that spinosad seems to work great on them. I'll hit the local home depot and try to locate a product with it
You more than likely have "Leaf Hoppers" Do they look like minature grass hoppers? They can be different colours, but mostly green. Buy some "Safer's Insecticidal Soap" and spray it right onto them. Aphids and Leaf Hoppers have an exo-skeleton. The only way to kill them is to coat their outer shell with the soap. By the way, Home Depot isn't going to have any pesticides for you. They won't even have the Safers's Insecticidal Soap. Try Canadian Tire.