Hi! I have just bought an indoor flowering plant that I had a specimen of a couple of years ago. It's a delicate, medium green leafed plant, with fine hair on the leaves and light green branches. The leaves sprout on both sides of the branch simultaneously. The neat feature is that with proper lighting and warmth, the plant produces a large number of lavender fluted flowers that grow on long dark stems out from the center of the growing tip of each branch. After loosing the previous plant in an office move, I've have this new one, which could not be identified by the kids at the garden center, and I'd be very grateful for any help you can provide in indentifying this plant's name and information on care, propogation, etc. Thanks very much!!
I wish I had a picture to post! : ) If anyone has a guess or two, I'd be happy to look them up and see which is the correct one. And thanks again for the help.
Okay, I have a picture today.... I hope everyone can view this clearly enough. And, once again, thanks for everyone's help!!
look at the link that Barvinok posted ..it is one of them .. i had one just like yours .. could never find the name of it .. now i know it ... i had thought that that was what your plant was after i made my post earlier .. they are a pretty easy plant to grow and root .. and the flowers are really pretty ... Marn
I just saw one of those in a garden centre. It was labelled streptocarpella. Most people include these plants with streptocarpus. The sinningias look similar, all gesneriads, but I think the plant is the streptocarpella, currently accepted name Streptocarpus saxorum.