We have been trying to grow grass on a slop facing south but which is between two residential home about 9 feet apart. The slope does not get a lot of sun, but when it does get sun it is very strong sunlight. To exascerbate the problem, the slope is about 20 degrees so water runs right down instead of soaking in. This also washes any added soil and grass away. Our location is on lake Ontario. Any suggestions on how to get grass growing on this slope?
Try going with a lawn patch that comes in a roll. You can purchase them online or most lawn-care stores. Below is just an example not an endorsement http://www.rolloutflowers.com/roll_out_grass.html
Dwarf mondo grass? The low growing one around the stepping stones in this first pic. http://www.stepables.com/images/stepscapes/plant_photos/stepscape104.jpg http://www.evergreennurseryinc.net/plants/ophio_dm.jpg http://www.nursery-plants.info/ground-covers/dwarf_mondo_grass.html Other options: http://stepables.com/ http://classygroundcovers.com/ Newt
Hi, I'm also from Ontario. We have the same problem. At the local nursery they told us to mix wheat or oats with the grass seed. The idea is that the oats or wheat will come up very quickly (within days) and that will anchor the soil for watering. Then when the tender grass starts to come up it won't wash away. Apparently after 4-6 grass cuttings the wheat or oats will die off and the grass will take over. We are planning to try this, so I'll let you know how it works.