Our front yard is a a Garry oak grove with a nice pond and lots of potential. Last year we did some hardscaping and created a couple of nice beds which we will use for bee flowers. The problem is the grass. I know grass is probably and evil word, but we really do want a place where we can do our outdoor workouts, lounge around and play with the kids. Two years ago I brought in a bunch of soil to level it out and I put down seed specific to Vancouver Island. It was a disaster, turned out to be patchy and a bunch of clover. Because we use the front yard for our outdoor workouts and playing with the kids, I am looking for something that is "prison yard tough" and that looks "ok"- anything will be better than what we have. Anyways, the forum here has helped me quite a bit in the past. I am sure grass is not the thing around here (understandable), but always looking for your thought and help. thanks Don
You may well find clover in a "prison yard tough" seed mix. With its nitrogen-fixing properties, it helps keep the 'lawn' green. At the same time, I believe it is clover that is responsible for the yellow stains on kids' clothes when they fall or roll around on the ground. Comes out in the wash. I think you've already got a good start in what is growing now in your Garry Oak grove. Lime it and then fertilize a couple of weeks later . . . aerate if necessary and overseed with the shade mix Ron suggests . . . keep watered as you can. The survivors will prevail!
You may find interesting The Garry Oak Gardener’s Handbook. I think you may find there answers to some other questions you may have GOERT : for Gardeners & Restoration Practitioners : The Garry Oak Gardener’s Handbook