grass identification

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by ragnarok, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. I bought a new home last year. In the back yard grows a small patch of grass I have never seen before. It is dark dark green with perhaps a bit a bluish. It stays this color all year long. The blades are single yet as singles forms a whole matt cover about a yard and a half by a yard and a half. The dogs love to roll on it. It never expands, it never has to be mowen. I have never seen flowers on it. It grows under a tree but during summer here in Texas when everything else is dead it is still green and lush looking. During winter when we have a freeze and everything else is brown and dead it stays green and lush looking. But it never expands. I would love this grass for my whole lawn if I could find out what it is. If anyone has a clue please e-mail me at Thankn you!
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hello ragnarok,

    Not sure what your plant is, more info may be needed. Generally people do not respond by email to forum posts; taking conversation off the forums defeats the purpose of having online forums, most contributers do not have the time for personal replies. You can watch for replies to the question here and you can reply to your own thread here with more info as well.

    ( I am sending ragnarok a link to this thread, so they will easily be able to check for replies.)

    Except for the not spreading part, it does sound like the ideal lawn.
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
  4. I am not sure what more I can say about this grass with out some how posting a picture of it. But the fall is in full swing with everything turned to brown or gold but this grass of the same color that it always is. A dark dark green. It never grows out and spreads, it is just there but it is the nicest patch of grass I have ever had. I don't have to water it, it stays that color even when all the other types of grass around it is dead from the heat here in Texas and when there is snow on the ground it is just there the same as all the rest of the year. It gets mowed about once a year just cause it is there but never really seems to grow. It seals its blades off if the tip is cut off and turns like little spects of white on the tips. I wished I had a whole lawn of this stuff.
  5. Ok, I went and read about Ophiopogon, and looked at some pictures. They do not look anything like this at all. Not only that but it says Ophiopogon grows extremely fast for the most part. This stuff never seems to spread at all . It is the most amazing stuff I have ever seen.

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