I'm trying to ID this grass that has been popping up in recently tilled soil. It starts with red at the base of it, and then the photos show the flowers and about a year of growth. Is it Festuca Rubra? If so, I am trying to do a native Pacific Northwest Garden. I have heard that identifying whether red fescue is native to the Pacific Northwest or not is difficult..
I will check if it has flat leaves..the cross section is definitely triangular so it is a sedge. Do both the species have the brownish coloring at the bottom? Also, would it help if I took a photo of it a little bit later, when the seed heads develop? Thanks for both of your help so far!
Yes, a clear photo of the fruiting head would help. Not sure about the colour at the base of the plant.
Juncus is not a sedge, it is a rush. Juncus is a genus in the family Juncaceae. Sedges are in the Cyperaceae family. So if your plant is a sedge it can't be Juncus sp.