Grass Bug??

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by zep3k, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. zep3k

    zep3k Member

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    North Vancouver
    We have grown a completely new lawn from seed (new soil, etc.) for our newly built home. The grass is about one month old and has been doing exceedingly well (need to cut it every three days!). The last few days I have noticed patches of "spit-bug" like mist interspersed throughout the lawn about half-way down the base of the blades. The "spit" is not attached to individual blades of grass; it seems to be in patches of 4 to 6 inches. Those patches are turning the grass dark brown and killing it. I don't see any bugs; only the mist.

    Help!! (No one at the local Nurseries seem to know about it.)
  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    could be a lawn fungus of some sort but our weather hasnt been terribly conducive to spore movement. what is your irrigation schedule ? method? any pics of the issue?
  3. zep3k

    zep3k Member

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    North Vancouver
    I had been sprinkling via irrigation 8 times a day for 5 minutes to get the lawn started and growing. The soil was always moist. Then cut back to regular 2x per week once lawn well established (about 1.5 to 2 weeks ago). But I might have been sprinkling too much over the course of a week and a half when grass had grown??

    If it is the fungus, what should I do? (Sorry my digital camera is not working so no pics.)

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