Grapefruit Tree In Canada

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Jerome, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Jerome

    Jerome Member

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    Ontario Canada
    Hi , My name is Jerome , approx 7 years ago my daughter and I were experimenting with seeds and we planted a grapefruit tree . The tree today is potted in a very large pot . Maybee 20 gallons, the tree itself is very healthy and stands almost 9 ft high including the pot . I have removed thorns along the trunk so my kids do not injure themselves The plant is watered regularly and I have been mixing in All Purpose plant/food fertilizer ( 20-20-20 ) in with the reg waterings . As well the plant sits in front of a window that is in sun from 10 am until 6pm . However I have a few questions .
    I have read several posts and responses from a Mr Shep and am quite interested .

    Anyways I have never had any flowers on this tree and have only had it outdoors for approx 1 week in the heat of summer 2 years ago .. but the leaves on the tree turned from a very healthy green colour to almost white .. I was so concerned that I had overexposed the tree so I brought it back indoors. The tree has not left the house since .. I have read that these trees love direct sunlight ???

    I would like to keep the tree outdoors from May until October November as the summer climate here is very very humid , I have traveled to Cuba and St Lucia in the past and can tell you that those places are a dry heat compared to here in Ontario ( Windsor) in the summer the temperatures are in the high 80s and 90s but the humidex is well over a 100 on lots of summer days .
    Anyways the winters are bitterly cold and temperatures get down well below zero from late Dec to late march , lots of snow and ice as well .
    Anyways I would like to see if I can get this plant to flower and maybee bear fruit oneday ,
    I am very curiuos to hear what you the professionals think.
    Please feel free to email your responses to me at
    thanks in advance for your help sincerely
    Grapefruit in Canada
  2. Jerome

    Jerome Member

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    Ontario Canada
    The fertilizer is water soluble and contains micro nutrients
  3. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    When growing a containerized citrus tree from seed, unfortunately, grapefruit is the worst possible choice. I have never known an indoor containerized grapefruit tree to fruit. It is possible, of course, to fruit an indoor grapefruit tree, but the node count required for the tree to finally reach maturity is so high, that it makes it VERY VERY difficult. I don't know if you trim or prune your tree, but if you do, the tree will NEVER BLOOM. In any case, a minimum of 15 years would be needed for a seed grapefruit to begin blooming, but in Canada, and growing indoors, it could be much longer, if ever. The white leaves that appeared on your tree when placed outside in the direct sun, was most probably caused by not first climatizing the tree. When first moving your tree out doors, place the tree in the shade for several days to a week. Then move the tree into a part shade, part sun for another week. Keep increasing the amount of sunlight, until your tree can easily take full sun for the full day. By doing so, your tree will not receive leaf burn, and the tree will thank you, and enjoy the summer.
    Millet (1,445-)
  4. Jerome

    Jerome Member

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    Ontario Canada
    thank you for taking the time to answer me , I will try as you suggest to climatize the tree ..
    Currently I have not pruned the tree at all , I have only removed thorns on the lower trunk . anyways I was asking about the flowers and fruit because before finding this website I had done a google search on Grapefruit trees and came across some threads from a MR scott I beleive ,.. He had suggested to the person in question that they can leave there grapefruit tree out i the early part of winter for a few days to a week to kind of shock it ???.. He said if the weather is around 30to 40 degrees .
    Anyways just wondering ... I figured it would be several more years perhaps 5-10 more before a tree would support such a lg fruit anyways .. I cant imagine it bearing fruit now , it would prob end up like Charlie Browns christmas tree... lol . I would greatly appreciate any further advice you may have
    Thanks in advance sincerely Jerome

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