New member here. Retired and plan on moving to the philippines where I recently bought some property. I want to plant grapefruit seeds and have no idea where to get any. Please help
First if you are recently retired you probably are 65 or some where close to that age. Grapefruit from seed will take 10 to 15 years before the tree begins to fruit. So if your 65 you will be 80 before you see fruit. If you plan on an commerical grove it would be another couple years before any crop of any size could be attained. Also, I believe the Philippines, have a considerable amount of citrus diseases, so you would want to check on that also. - Millet
Than you so much - Yes I am retired and that old.. but if I were to get grapefruit to grow on MY property, my wife and friends would benefit in 15 years or more. So i think I'll look for seed to bring with me in November - If you can direct me to that - I would be grateful. Ed
emorais, I wish you luck finding grapefruit seed (other than out of fresh produce from the store. No one, except a few hobbyiest, grows grapefruit from seed, and they, of course, take the seed directly from the fruit. Citrus seed unless kept moist or kept cool in a cooler have a VERY SHORT life, and even is kept moist or cool, still soon lose their vigor. A commerical supplier of such seed would soon go broke looking for customers. My advice is purchase young grafted grapefruit trees of the variety that you particularly like. A grafted tree will produce fruit in the second year. There are many places in the USA, such as Brite Leaf Nursery, ( but I do not know about the Phillippines. Good Luck. - Millet
Millet is correct. If you really want to grow Grapefruit from seed, you should wait until you get there & locate fresh fruit to obtain seed from. You can not bring live plants & the seed you save will be useless by the time you get there. pummelos are also very good with a better flavor than Grapefruit.
Can't obtain grapefruit seeds in Phils as they don't grow it there, but you can find heaps of grapefruit cousins pummelos & they're sweet & delicious too.