Hello All Im new here so i hope i got this right I live in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan,Im looking to grow some grapes Preferably the ones you make wine with I have no idea about which vines might survive are beautiful winter I would like to grow white wine grapes I read that kerner vines are hardy Thank you
Kerner is a vinifera grape, a cross of Riesling and Trollinger developed for the German vinyards. It is considered "moderately hardy" but I doubt if that will include a Saskatchewan winter. Tonight's forecast low of -26deg C. would leave you with an empty vinyard. Viniferas can be pushed outside their range, but only at the expense of a lot of maintenance (winter protection, often by burying the vine or various other bothersome techniques. Try a google search "cool climate grape growing" and "cold...". Your limiting factor will probably be the low winter temperatures. Check with the local weather or Ministry of Ag office for 10deg C. "degree days"; you'll be hoping for at least 1000 degree days from last spring frost to first winter frost. See what your neighbors are growing: I guarantee you won't be the first to try grapes in Saskatchewan. Check these sites and follow all the links. http://www.littlefatwino.com/vineavailability.html Vine availability: Hardy Varieties http://www.mngrapes.org/ Minnesota Grape Growers Association :: Growing Grapes and Making Wine in Cold Climates Ralph