Grape Plant to Give Away

Discussion in 'Grapes and Grape Vines' started by DavidB52, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. DavidB52

    DavidB52 Active Member

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    Coquitlam, B.C. Zone 8a
    I have a grape plant to give away, if somebody has a place where it can be put in the ground.

    We've had it growing in a pot for a few years.

    We bought it at a nursery, but I don't know what variety it is.

    The first year we had it, it produced grapes. Green. And a flavor different than what the usual supermarket grapes taste like. Quite nice.
    It hasn't flowered in the past couple years.

    I don't know much about grapes and have done minimal pruning. (Maybe neglecting it is part of the problem.)

    We don't have a proper trellis, so we used an old laundry drying rack held in place with bricks and cinder blocks. And we ran the vines along the fence in the back. See photos.

    In any case, if somebody in these forums has a spot for it, you'd be welcome to have it.

    Attached Files:

  2. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    It would be good to know if the grapes were seedless or not. The problem of lack of productivity is that the vine is growing in a pot that is way too small. The plant is probably badly rootbound, but that can be dealt with and should be OK if transplanted into the ground after heavy pruning of the roots and vine.
  3. DavidB52

    DavidB52 Active Member

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    Coquitlam, B.C. Zone 8a
    I suppose it could also be used as a source for hardwood propagation.
    If you are into that, you could start several brand-new young grape plants.
  4. DavidB52

    DavidB52 Active Member

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    Coquitlam, B.C. Zone 8a
    This plant is no longer available.

    Somebody picked it up this afternoon.

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