Hi all, We've been in our new house since November and have about 100feet of fence covered in grapes (+ several trees taken over by grapes). We're in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. As you can tell by my post, I'm a plant idiot - but hopefully you can understand what I'm describing and give me a hand. Identification?: I'm hoping someone can identify (or narrow down) the variety - I've attached pictures - the grapes are just starting to turn red/purple. Pruning?: Early spring / late winter I got out and cut a lot of the main 'lines' back to green, side shoots back to 3-5 'knots', plus I cut out a lot of the 'deadwood'. Some of the plants around are quite new, the oldest has a main trunk about 16-18" diameter. We do have loads of grapes coming. Wine?: We'd like to make (and drink some). Any advice (on the making -we know how to drink it). Any help or tips are greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much and happy gardening. David.
Thanks for your interest Ralph. There are 4 seeds in a grape. I've added a picture of a single grape and the seeds with a thumb for size perspective. Dave.
Is a wild guess OK? Fine then: "Frontenac", but I feel like I'm trying to identify a foreign car by looking at the receding tail-lights in the rain. That's not a complaint about your fine photos, more of a reference to a west coast neophyte looking at an east coast vine. Try these sites: http://www.winemanager.com/slarsen/Grapebreeders/ES_parent.htm http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/hort/faculty/reisch/bulletin/wine/index2.html for photos and descriptions, and http://www.littlefatwino.com/growwinelist.html for contacts and help. Ralph