Hi, I have a 12' Magnolia Grandiflora Edith Bogue that was planted 4 yrs ago, and has done very well up until this spring. All throughout this spring and summer the new leaves have been deformed, and only 1 or 2 blooms appeared this year. These blooms died very quickly. The new leaves came out with holes and slightly twisted. The tree has clearly been in distress this year. I've used an all-purpose 6-8-6 slow release fertilizer on it this spring and also again in late August. I'm pretty sure the roots haven't suffered drought this spring & summer. Also discovered this spring was a 2 1/2" split in the bark just above ground level. Does anyone know what these problems could be from? We didn't have a particularly harsh winter last year here in Langley, and I haven't winterized it with mulch before. Any advice is appreciated, thanks!
I am adding pictures of an Elderberry (Sambucus Black Lace) that is beside this magnolia. The Elderberry has suddenly lost it's leaves off the bottom half of the tree during mid-summer. Both these trees were planted 4 yrs ago and have been doing very well up until this summer. The sprinkler system that we've had all along was working as usual, so I don't think the trees became particularly too wet or too dry. I have now put leaves on them for this winter, ensuring that leaves aren't touching the bark. I have read about the Elderberry Beetle becoming a problem here in the Northwest, but there is absolutely no sign of it on my elderberry. I am puzzled as to what is damaging these two trees. Does anyone have an idea?