
Discussion in 'Maples' started by Bill, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. Bill

    Bill Active Member 10 Years

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    West Van
    I see a lot of palmatums that are badly grafted, or at least even if sound, the graft is ugly. Some of the stock from New Zealand is particularly poor in this regard.

    Does it take all that much more time to do a seemless 'V' graft that will disappear in a couple of years? Why the slipshod work?
  2. Dale B.

    Dale B. Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Atlanta, GA
    The V or saddle graft requires that the rootstock and the scion be the same size. Very seldom is this the case with Japanese Maple grafts. Usually you want the rootstock to be larger and have good root structure to support the new graft. The V or saddle graft also requires that the upper part of the rootstock be cut off at the time of the graft. Side grafting allows the upper part of the rootstock to be left to help feed the plant during the healing process. The rootstock is cut off after the graft union has healed and the new plant is on its way to good health.

    After a few years the graft scar usually is not a function of the grafting method. The union of a vigorous rootstock and a weaker growing cultivar results in a trunk that tapers at the graft union and is not the result of the grafting method used.

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