is it possible to graft pinus parviflora onto pinus thunbergii rootstock--have heard this is possible but that the resulting plant will not have a long life span--also would like to know if it is possible to graft taxodium onto metaseqouia and vice versa--anyone have experience with this-
The first is possible, and often done by Japanese bonsai growers, first for its dwarfing effect on the scion, and second, to get the more attractive rugged bark of P. thunbergii combined with the foliage of P. parviflora. There are some intergeneric grafting possibilities in conifers, but I doubt Taxodium onto Metasequoia would work. The two genera need to be fairly closely related for it to work, and these two aren't particularly close to each other. You could try grafting Taxodium onto Cryptomeria as they are more closely related to each other, or Metasequoia onto Sequoia or Sequoiadendron.
thanks michael e---that is very helpful info--thought that might be the case--would not have entertained grafting onto cryptomeria but will giave it a shot--again--many thanks