OK, Further question about cornus rootstock. Can any of the showy Cornus species or cultivars (C/ florida, kousa) be succesfully grafted onto the following rootstocks: C. mas, C. alternifolia, C. stolonifera, C. alba? Thanks.
I have been advised by someone that does it very successfully, that Cornus Eddie's White Wonder is very easy to propagate by layering. Hope this helps.
If Eddie's White Wonder roots by layering, has anyone started it from softwood cuttings? I've read other strings saying softwood cuttings of cornus (trees) strike roots the first year but die in later years. All the cultivars I've seen are grafted. I wonder if I can graft EWW onto C. mas, stolonifera, or controversa, since I have these rootstocks in abundance. GE
Yes, you can graft Eddie's White Wonder onto seedling Cornus controversa. Most people graft it onto seedling Cornus florida. Yes, you can try to root semi-hardwood cuttings, preferably one to two year old wood. No, the rooted cuttings do not all die out quickly, as evidenced by the word "successfully" in the layering comment above. Jim