Hi friends, I'm living in the northern of Vietnam. Now I'm growing some A.P Matsumurae and Dissectum, and found they reply good in my garden. So I want to have more cultivars. What I'm wondering is: For A.Shirasawanum Aureum, can I use Aureum scion to graft on to rootstock(A.Palmatum green)? Or do I need to use Aureum scion to graft on rootstock:A.Shirasawanum? Many thanks in advance!
All Japanese maples(palmatum,Shirasawanum,japonicum) can be grafted onto palmatum rootstock and nearly always are.You'll almost certainly find your 'Aureum' was too :)
Thank you Houzi, As you know, for trees import to Vietnam, it's difficult. So I have to ask my friend who flying from USA or Japan to bring plants as luggage. Only few trees each time. So I nearly need to try multiple cultivars from small quantity by grafting:D. One more thing, if I graft Aureum scion onto Palmatum rootstock, will the grafts become the same when they are mature after grafting? Or should it be A.Shirasawanum rootstock to confirm that the result will be the same?
Hi, I read somewhere that it is possible to graft Acer shirasawanum on Acer negundo. Maybe others can confirm or refute this info.
Don't know Alain,we've heard of Circinatum and there was a thread here quoting some Antoine le Hardy de Beaulieu as saying pseudoplatanus is pretty universal though no-one replied with conformation. Thinking about it,how easy is it to get shirasawanum rootstock?..never seen it myself. Kalod,usually the rootstock has little bearing on the plant apart from hardiness and side effects sometimes caused by increased vigour.I think you'll have trouble finding a plant grafted onto Shirasawanum rootstock to compare,palmatum is pretty universally used....you could try it and let us know :)
Well, I've never had any luck with grafting in spite of all the good advice tghat can be found here, so what I know is by hearsay on this matter ^^ For rootstocks, I suppose that most of us like to try growing trees from seed: there is an online supplier of seeds based in France that can ship to Europe. They provide top-quality seeds (even if this year, I failed them all, but it was my fault) and they have shirasawanum seeds: http://www.semencesdupuy.com/fr/acer-shirasawanum.html English version of the page (without the advice and details): http://www.semencesdupuy.com/en/acer-shirasawanum.html A very reliable provider of seeds. They have other Acer seeds, it's interesting whether for saplings or rootstock: http://www.semencesdupuy.com/fr/produits/feuillus/erable.html
Of course,silly me,didn't think about seeds.Seem apparently hard to find over here,cheers. Kalod,read here somewhere that acer circinatum rootstock can install more vigour into shirasawanum as long as your climate isn't too hot&dry,though I don't know which species are easiest for you to locate.Got my doubts about pseudoplatanus though.Might try circinatum myself :)
Thank you, AlainK, I will try order some packets for germinating here in Vietnam. Here we are testing stratification procedures, with some of my bonsai friends. Mostly we do like this with higher percentage of success. 1/ No soaking in water, mix with damp sphagnum moss/peatmoss, in ziplock/bin, in refrigerator 5 C degree. 2/ After 2 months, seeds sprout and bring out to put in flat. we use medium of coconut coir and heated rice hulls. ( I did try some A.P matsumurae from Japan - Mountain maple. But I soaked and stratify seeds, result is zero :D)
Yes Houzi, I'm gonna try it. We have some success with A.Shirasawanum seeds so far. I will try A.Circinatum seeds, too. Ofcourse, A.S Aureum, I should still have to buy. I plan then feed the tree good to get scion for grafting. In Vietnam (Northern), we have 4 seasons. In summer, there's some periods which temp go upto 38-40 C degree (extending 1 week). Autumn is best for Acer, and Winter lowest temp is 15-18 C degree (seems there's no time for Acer to sleep :D). Humidity is always high, around 50-80%, especially in spring, sometimes 95% :D. I tested my A.P Dissectum and Matsumurae in my garden (on the roof). Matsumurae reply best, keeps growing without idling. Dissectum much lower reply, cause it show slow growing and tyni leaf when weather too hot. However, when cool days come, they push rapidly. Ofcourse here in Vietnam, there's no chance for Acer to have autumn leaf color as in your climate. So mainly I focus on Acers that have good spring/summer leaf color. Not many people grown Acer in Vietnam so far. So any of your suggestions are valuable for me to try grow and graft here. Thanks.
Hi AlainK, I checked your trees and seems that your Seiryu produce seeds this year? Can you advise if you will send it to seeds exchange center or I can have chance to get some of your fresh seeds? To my short experience, I could have better germination rate for fresh seeds collecting, kaka.
Hi kalod, Unfortunately, no seeds left on the Seyriu, but I'll check if a few stayed hidden behind the leaves. Last year, several of my trees had a lot of seeds, this year, almost none. I'll see what poor crop I can have in one or two weeks and let you know. But isn't it a problem to send them to Vietnam (customs, sanitary rules, etc)? And what is the "seeds exchange center"? Is it somewhere on this forum?
Hi AlainK, Thanks for your nice support. I prefer get seeds from maple grower, cause it will help me for higher rate of germination. Seeds sending to Vietnam is normal, only commercial trees now prohibited. Im really grateful to get your seeds and courier cost at my account. I learnt somewhere that there is seeds exchange center in Maple society here, I submitted for membership but no feedback so far.
Hi Kalod the Maple Society seed distribution scheme is run directly by the Maple Society and nothing to do with the forum here. Please see this site for membership details etc: http://www.maplesociety.org/ If you are already a member please let me know and I can add you to the usergroup at this forum.
Hi Maf, Thanks for your advice. Last time, I did submit per guidance in this forum (through Mysettings/membership...) Seems it's not the right way :D.
Ah, Daniel contacted me about this when I was out of the country. I have added you to the usergroup and trust that you are a Maple Society member. (My membership list is out of date.)