I bought this little untagged acer palmatum (I think it's acer palmatum) from a neighborhood nursery that sells maples mostly from Buchholz in Oregon. It was on sale at the end of the season in October 2017. Thought maybe it was Osakazuki but the leaves are not the same as that one. The mature leaves are a little distinctive--amoenum and the lobes are kind of club shaped. Was thinking that maybe someone would recognize them. I have only 34 maples and it matches none of them and have studied Vertree's book but not sure of anything. It has been a really hardy little tree and has been in the ground through last winter. Seems to be thriving in 6b. So if anyone has an inkling of what it is I would appreciate hearing! Thanks so much!
Maybe you can find it on the Buchholz web site. Or you can find a match at a local retailer, with labeling - did you ask anybody about it where you bought it for instance? Because they were probably sent more than one of them - if this operation is a going concern maybe they got some more of them this year, or will be later in spring.
Yes these are good ideas that I will try. The greenhouse has been going since the 1930s in the same spot. But Japanese Maples are not a specialty. I’m sure they would help me if they recognize it from the photos. I have taken leaves to compare when I see something that looks close. I probably should have taken it there when it was still in a pot! Thanks Ron
I have never identified this untagged grafted maple and was hoping that as it grew it might give some clues. Here it is again. I know it is probably a long shot that it might ring a bell with someone. I have come up with the idea that it might be Saoshika from some of the online catalogs I have looked at. It has grown quite remarkably well in one year. So if anyone has Saoshika and thinks it looks similar let me know; I know it's not important to know but it is an interesting quest! Sorry that the full size shot is in front of grape vines--looks confusing.
Cjart, I do not have this cultivar but from the look of the leaf it looks like Hogyoku or Tobiosho or Kokyo are the cultivars that I have which the leaf looks similar with yours. Is it a quite large side green palmatum leaf?. What color does it show in the falls?.
Thanks Atapi. It has the largest leaf at about 4 inches at its widest part. In the fall it’s a reddish orange color. I will look again at Hogyoku, Tobiosho and Kokyo. Adding some more photos since it stopped raining for awhile. It has new growth that is rosy tipped yellow if that fits the Hogyoku or the others.
Cjart, let us know what you find out for this cultivar. I could not think of other green large palmatum from the Acer Palmatum family right now. Yes, agreed with Osoyoung: the Hogyoku leaf is smaller than yours. Here are the two largest leaf that I have in my AP collection. KyoKo (green) and Red Rugose (red).