ive recently been snapping photo's of all sorts of mushrooms ive been finding in the wilderness, and although im very interested in them and their many shapes and sizes. i just dont have the time right now to learn all about identifying them. then i found this forum and thought id let some of you clever fellows take a crack at it,enjoy =]
ive also discovered a large batch of mushrooms in my backyard a few days ago and wondered if they were harmful?
From the first set of pictures: #1 is a lichen, probably Umbilicaria sp. At first glance, I thought #3 might be fairy clubs, (Clavariadelphus), but I think those are actually a species of Cortinarius. The cap hasn't opened yet to expose the gills. The yellow mushroom in the last picture is a species of Suillus.
i was thinking the biggest cluster in the 2nd set of photos might be "Hygrophorus ponderatus". i haven't spent much time looking into it but thats the closest resemblance i could find. =]