Hello all, I am put up in Bangalore, India. I am looking for recipes for good seed starting mix. I have Coir, Perlite, Vermiculite and Composted manure with me. Please suggest me a good soil mix recipe esp for seed starting. Peat,Barks are not available here. Thanks in advance. gg.
Not my area of expertise, but it sounds like you have good materials to work with. Use the coir, perlite and or vermiculite for your seed starting. Add the manure to a mix of the other three for potting mix. Some course sand or fine gravel will help with drainage, so I would try to add something like that. I can't really advise on the ratio of each. I think that kind of depends on what you are germinating.
If I had the ingredients available to me that you have on your list, I would make a blend of 50 percent coir and 50 percent perlite. I have never like the addition of manures for container culture. Manures normally contain levels of soluble salts too high for use on seedlings. .- Millet
Seeds when sprouting generally want an easy path to push through so you want a mixture that not going to compact easily. Perilite and a peat mixture of 50/50 is fine.