I was wondering if anyone knew where I might be able to purchase an Golden King Holly. Beautiful female Ilex with verigated, oval leaves. Any info would be appreciated!
Not prevalent in regional commerce at present, you may have to locate an existing specimen and grow your own from cuttings of it. It is a unique variety that is worth seeking out. A friend with a micro-nursery sometimes grows and sells it, but he is down here in WA.
Thank you very much Ron for your response, I would appreciate getting the contact info of your freind that sometimes sells the Golden King Ilex. I've just about exhausted my search hear in B.C. and are willing to try to deal with the Border Customs. Thanks again Gord W.
Maybe ask about custom propagation. http://www.colvoscreekdesigns.com/ Also try The Plant Locator - Western Region (Black-Eyed Susans/Timber, Portland) to see who else has offered it.