HELP!!! Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do for my plant. I have a very well established gold fish plant which is losing it's leaves. It doesn't have spiders or any other bug which I can visibly see. Does anyone else know what it might be and what I can do for it? Thanks!
I let mine get too dry and it started dropping some of it's leaves about two weeks ago. I also noticed the leaves where a little thinner than normal. Once it was well watered the leaf drop stopped by the next day and leaves plumped back up. Other possible reasons for leaf drop, root-rot from overwatering, needs repotting, or possibly the light is just too low. Goldfish plants (Nematanthus) a Gesneriad, likes very bright light to bloom and thrive. An east window with morning sun works well, or behind shear curtains if in a sunnier location. Keep the soil only slightly damp, allowing it to dry most of the way down before watering again. When it's time to water, water it thoroughly until it runs out from the bottom and then get rid of any excess. Treat it similar to an african violet.
Thank you for your help. After I posted my message it occured to me that I had left the plant outside on a night the temperatures went from 85F during the day to just a little more than 40F that night. I'm sure that didn't help. For now I'll just have to watch it and keep it in a room with some bright light & hope it makes it.