Going to be in Vancouver March 28 - 31. Best place to see cherry blossoms?

Discussion in 'Ornamental Cherries' started by CherryBlossomsInVancouver, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. CherryBlossomsInVancouver

    CherryBlossomsInVancouver New Member

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    Unfortunately, I will be gone by the time the cherry blossoms festival rolls around. I am visiting Vancouver for a few days (March 28 - 31). What would be the most beautiful parks or neighborhoods to see visit to see cherry blossoms during this time? Thanks for any suggestions!
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    There will be lots of cherry blossoms for you to see. Check out our festival map at http://vcbf.ca/neighbourhood-maps - read about it on that page, then click the map picture. Click on the Favourites tab, then the Blooming Date column heading to sort by date and look for the ones that should be in bloom when you're here. All of the Downtown and West End 'Akebono' will be in bloom for you. That should keep you plenty happy. Be sure to go to Burrard Skytrain Station.

    I hope you enjoy your visit. You're welcome to post your cherry photos in the VCBF Neighbourhood Blogs forum where you originally posted this. No problem if you don't get the right neighbourhood - I'll move your posting to where it belongs - easiest if you do separate postings for trees in different areas.

    I should mention you see LOTS of plums too. You can check out the Plums thread to help you distinguish those from cherries. All the locations on our map are cherries.

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