I've done a bit of research, but I'd like a second opinion before I go and buy products manufactured to kill. My question is this: Gnatrol or nematodes? [EDIT] A second question: could hydrogen peroxide be used to kill gnat larvae in rock wool without killing weaker plants, or should I stick to Gnatrol/nematodes?
Have you checked out GoGnats yet ? I read the Gnatrol stopped working when they changed the formula to a dry chem,instead of liquid. The BT you need is BTI ( Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis ) No longer in Gnatrol from what I read.
I've ordered some gnatrol. Taking out BTi would make it totally ineffective and useless and wouldn't make sense for them to do so. I'll check out GoGnats if the Gnatrol doesn't work, though hopefully it does. Thanks ;)
I read you can place a Mosquito Dunk (BTI) in a nylon sock, and place it in the reservoir. Since I'm using soil, I'll just float one in my watering can until dissolved, and drench. My question is how long can BTI be stored for ? Mine is at least seven years old, but still in an unopened package.
I tried mosquito dunks in the reservoir, but they just didn't cut it. After i noticed a slight decrease in adults, the population exploded again. I know Mosquito Dunks use dead BTi cells as well as some other toxins, but does Gnatrol use dead BTi too? I tried finding that information but couldn't.
Dead BTI ? I'm not understanding that, as the dunks "activate", after being soaked in the water. Is it like a flu shot ? (dead virus) Toxins ? The dunks are used for fish ponds, animal watering troughs, etc, and are "Deemed Fit For Organic production by the USEPA in accordance with the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP)." (according to Summit's website) On the other hand, from what I'm reading, the new dry formulation of Gnatrol contains the incorrect BT. Unless it contains BT+I (Bacillus thurengiensis subspecies israeliensis (Bti), the gnats won't be controlled. Find the old liquid Gnatrol, which contained the proper BT. For this reason, and all the bad reviews at Amazon, I'm still going with the way cheaper Dunks. While I haven't received the GoGnats yet, the news might not be so good with that either. It contains zero BTI. The actives are cedar extract and soap. Not sure about this, but I will test it. I also have PH concerns. Either way, I'll be testing both the Dunks and GoGnats, within the next few days, so I'll let you know. Also, let me know how the Gnatrol worked.
I just received the GoGnats. I was bamboozled ! It has instructions for hydroponic use, but nothing for soil. For control of gnats, they instruct me to spray down the foliage with the smelly stuff, and that's it. Have they ever heard of larvae in the soil ? There is no way this stuff is going on my foliage, or anywhere else, except maybe outdoors as a repellent by the dumpsters.
The powder in Mosquito Dunks only contain about 10% "BTi solids, spores, and insecticidal toxins." I'm assuming that meas they killed the bacteria and used whatever proteins they found from the remains in the formula. The dunks have worked great outside for me in keeping mosquitoes at bay, which is actually what they're meant for. http://www.doyourownpestcontrol.com/SPEC/LABELS/mosquittodunks.pdf I sure do hope the Gnatrol powder works, don't know what I'll do if it doesn't...