Global Favorites....

Discussion in 'Maples' started by nelran, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. nelran

    nelran Active Member

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    Zone 8 - Houston, TX USA
    With hundred JM cultivars to chose, I was wondering how to know (in a general way) which ones are the "global" favorites, so I think that one way to find out this could be using the info provided for this web site: I took the info from the Maple photo galery section, and I arranged the threads by most viewed, (You can agree or disagree with this method of evaluation), but here is what I discovered with this data:

    From the list of Japanese maples Photos (involving others than Acer Palmatums) the favorites are:
    1. Acer Japonicum 'Aconitifolium' (6587 views)
    2. Acer Shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon' (6559 views)
    3. Acer Shirasawanum 'Aureum' (5799 views)
    4. Acer pseudosieboldianum (Korean Maple) (3744 views)
    5. Acer Japonicum 'Green Cascade' (3520 views)

    In the field of Acer Palmatums Photos the favorites are:

      1. the big favorite -far away than the rest- with 12942 views: AP 'Osakasuki'
      2. AP 'Orange Dream' (9884 views)
      3. AP 'Inaba Shidare' (8562 views)
      4. AP 'Seiryu' (7475 views)
      5. AP 'Butterfly' (7237 views)
      6. AP 'Shishigashira' (6828 views)
      7. AP 'Shaina' (6797 views)
      8. AP 'Beni Shichihenge' (6518 views)
      9. AP 'Sango Kaku' (6448 views)
      10. AP 'Aka Shigitatsu Sawa' (6409 views)

      You can apport your own conclusions, but I was thinking that the cultivars 'sango Kaku' and 'bloodgood' were one of the the most popular cultivars, but according with this data, 'sango kaku' is in 9th place and 'bloodgood' even is not in the fist 10.

      really good exercise....

  2. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    is incredible high, Orange dream ,have "only"17 years old, by Gilardelli nursery Italy,really is appreciate in USA and UK this cultivar? i have this cultivar ,but is out my preferite...
  3. nelran

    nelran Active Member

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    Zone 8 - Houston, TX USA
    Well, Alessandro,

    Probably I'll need to arrange my request for more JMs to add to my collection. Since for the no AP list I already have the 3 first places (aconitifolium, Autumn Moon, and Aureum, instead from the list of APs, certainly, I have "only" four (Seiryu, butterfly, Shaina and Sango Kaku). Osakazuky and Orange Dream will be a must....


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