Lorax suggested linking to the photo in photobucket. Do I have to have another photo site? Flickr seems to not want you to do this: So here's from my desktop from Picasaweb. Now, can I do this from my phone? This will be difficult because I don't know how to paste text.
Not working yet. I did get to post reply here when signed on to my phone, did read my manual and learn how to paste text into the line asking for the url link to the photo, but the link I get from the picasaweb app isn't the same as what I got when I uploaded on my desktop. Here's the link I got from the desktop: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-...1111_McKee_Maple_Cutler_IMAG1178%2520copy.jpg I almost got the link into a note to post from the phone, but then the app closed.
https://picasaweb.google.com/111832823670735896915/November142011#5674922157100348610https://picasaweb.google.com/111832823670735896915/November142011#5674922157100348610 http:// Maybe I've pasted on the url I get on my phone. Yes I did. See, that is not a valid link. Maybe I can get the link from the picasaweb page, not the app.
https://picasaweb.google.com/m/view...96915/5674922120952073457/5674922157100348610 On the phone, got the link from native picasaweb, pasted above. That is different again, still doesn't work. [Edited] I'm back on the desktop now. I see that when I click that link, I get a phone version of picasaweb, but it doesn't go to a single photo and no matter what I click there, I can't get to a single photo. I'm guessing that m/viewer stuff in the url means it's already a mobile version of the photo display.
https://picasaweb.google.com/m/view...96915/5674922120952073457/5674922157100348610 Is this the same? Different view on the phone, don't know how i got to it. It's invalid anyway. [Edited] Back on the desktop - it goes to the same place as the previous one - still is m/viewer version, linking to a page, not to the photo.
Nothing to do with this issue. Just checking the time. I think the issue just showed up in the notice I receive at midnight, not in the posting time? [Edited] The posting time is the same as on my computer. Will check at midnight.
Ok, it looks like this is going to work from Photobucket. So that's why people use that. I uploaded this photo from my phone. Hmm, surely that isn't why the other tests didn't work, with photos already there. Dang, now I have to try that. [Editied] tried that - no difference where the photo was uploaded from into Picasaweb.
From flickr, to get this photo, I have to grab the html/BB Code from the Share menu, then delete everything except the img src. I've done this on my desktop. I'm not sure if I can manage that on the phone, and it should be illegal. I'm working that out with flickr, but it's my photo that I could have uploaded here myself, so it can't be that illegal.
This is what flickr wants me to post: Code: [URL="http://www.flickr.com/photos/wlcutler/6343015883/"][img]http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6223/6343015883_41e872e240.jpg[/img][/URL] [URL="http://www.flickr.com/photos/wlcutler/6343015883/"]20111111_McKee_Maple_Cutler_IMAG1178 copy[/URL] by [URL="http://www.flickr.com/people/wlcutler/"]wlcutler[/URL], on Flickr
OK! I have accomplished the following. 1. I had a spare micro SD card, inserted it into the SD adaptor, put that in my real camera and taken a photo. 2. transferred the micro SD card to my phone. 3. installed the OperaMini browser app on the phone. 4. selected the photo to upload the normal way. Thanks to my friend Peter for the idea of using the micro SD card in the camera, and the folks on the Android forum who had posted the bit about Opera allowing uploads.
it did lose my picture the fist time, though, by the time I finished typing. and I haven't figured out how to type while it's uploading.