Hello, kindly tell me how and when to sow seeds for buddleia davidii and butterfly weed (asclepias tuberosa) and Asclepias curassavica for zone 10. Spring has just started here. I am not an expert and i do not know how to judge soil temperature, although weather temp is around 26c here and will get warmer as the time passes. kindly also tell me how to sow seeds for phaseolus caracalla and Bauhinia yunnanensis climber. i have successfully germinated seeds of annual gaillardia in pots, by just scattering the seeds over ordinary soil and covering the seeds with peat moss. they have just sprouted yesterday, is the procedure same for annuals and perennials mentioned above?. thanks, Khabbab
B. davidii has become a pest species here in western North America and is reported having gone wild in the British Isles as well - it may also have pest potential for your area as well or even be present already.