This is my first post here, so I am not sure if I got this right. I live in Richmond, and would like to know when (what time of year) does one normally harvest garlic. Thank you.
Some people like to lift it earlier than me, like in July. We just pulled ours up a few weeks ago, once the leaves had yellowed quite a bit but before the cloves started to separate and possibly allow dirt in between them in the bulbs. I was trying to maximize the size of the bulbs by getting as much of the top growth to transfer down into the useful part of the I leave it as long as I "dare" I say, others seem to get their's out quite a few weeks earlier and like their results. It will be planting time before we know it (October)...the cycle starts over again! 5 July 2008 Harvesting Hard Neck Snake Garlic (Allium sativum) Pulling garlic and the beginning of the curing process. Summary: Garlic Growing Experience.
Thank you for your reply. I currently buy garlic (Russian Red) which is organically grown here in Richmond. It is untreated. I am wondering if I could use this garlic as seed for my first crop. Do you think this would be a good idea, or should I purchase seed garlic?
If the garlic looks good to you, plant some of it. Untreated and organic sounds likely to give good results. The seed garlic I've gotten from West Coast Seeds is humungous, and excellent quality,but at $3 a bulb it isn't real cheap either. Once you've grown a crop, definitely keep and replant your biggest bulbs/cloves and keep developing your own variety adapted to your site.
I went to my organic grower today, and found that she had "Siberian Seed Garlic", and so I bought enough for my first planting. It has a reddish colour to it. It was less than half the price of West Coast Seeds. I will try it out and post my results.
I was hoping to buy my seed garlic from West Coast Seeds, but just went to their website and they are sold out for the season. Anybody know where else to get seed garlic in the Greater Vancouver area? Otherwise I may do what linxx suggested and try finding and planting some organic ones. Although, even then, the grocery stores don't seem to carry local organic garlic, and it just seems wrong planting one that was grown in Argentina...
I got my seed garlic in Richmond at a local organic grower near my home. It is Siberian garlic (it has a reddish tint to it). She is not certified organic, but I have known her for a few years and she doesn't spray or use chemical fertilizers. I have heretofore only bought this garlic for eating, but I am going to grow it for the first time this year. As of last weekend she had lots left. I got 39 bulbs for $58.00. If you are stuck, and need some seed garlic, I can give you directions to her farm.