16 July 2021 Stages of Garlic Posted on July 16, 2021 by Durgan 16 July 2021 Stages of Garlic 16 July 2021 Stages of Garlic Garlic Stages of growth. Call the bulbils the first year of growth, when plants and allowed to grow they produce rounds call this second year, When the rounds are planted they produce a bulb of about four cloves call this the third year, when these are planted they produce normal garlic a perfect clone of what produced the bulbils. No new garlic is produced since man has selectively grown garlic and destroyed the normal sex process. There are efforts to make new garlic but all I have seen is babble. The selective method means disease free garlic gets produced in four years and the main crop can be marketed if growing bulbils each year, and bulbils require less space.
This confuses me . . . I don't grow garlic but everyone I know who does, plants individual cloves in the autumn and harvests the heads the following summer.
That is so true. Just another method. This method depicted is utilizing the whole garlic from bulbils. Waste not want not.
I plant largest cloves, eat smaller ones. I collect garlic scapes and marinate those for delicious side dish for various meat dishes, or just as a healthy snack for consuming with a beer. I use garlic stems as stakes for peas. So almost everything of a whole garlic plant is used.
What variety do you both plant @Durgan & @Sulev Do you plant various types Do some store better than others We don’t really like a lot of garlic, but it is popular in Okanagan (red Russian esp - I don’t know why - maybe something traditional from the Doukhabor communities in BC interior?) If I were to use some garlic - i would prefer mild so it doesn’t overpower the other flavours ... do you have a mild one you like?
I grow 3 types of garlic. Estonian local winter garlic variety (no name), Chinese garlic (from grocery store) and elephant garlic, that is actually more like leek, than garlic. Local variety is definitely not mild. Chinese one is much milder. Elephant garlic tastes very different from the others. Chinese garlic performs poorly in our climate (or maybe it's just my soil). I have tried it 7 years, but it's cloves always remain much smaller than local variety, and harvest per square metre has been maximum 30% of that of local variety. Elephant garlic, that I bought ca 5 years ago from eBay, also has so far not surprised me positively, but it has somewhat improved each year, so I hope to see really large cloves after few years.
Grow only hardneck and add to my planting stock from local garlic if it is exceptional in size. I grow perfect garlic about 100 bulbs. Have grown elephant and it gets very large but I don't like the taste. This is how I process. The heat is reduced to acceptable levels. 4 April 2021 Garlic Processing Posted on April 4, 2021 by Durgan 4 April 2021 Garlic Processing 4 April 2021 Garlic Processing Ten bulbs about 25 servings were processed and frozen. These bulbs were harvested in October 2020 in October nd stored in the cold room in the basement, almost aged for six months. I was using ice cube for the serving but they were too difficult to remove, so I am using a plastic container and hope they will be easier to remove. I use one square each morning and melt it in my tea cup. I use my small press to remove the skins. It is quick and efficient.