5 July 2006. The garlic was planted 15 of October 2005 about 25 plants. The garlic is on a drying rack and will be kept there for about two weeks, then trimmed and packaged in paper bags. Five of the dried bulbs will be used for next years growth about 25 plants, since each large bulb has about five smaller cloves. Only the larger cloves will be chosen for seed. Durgan.
Wow, they look so clean! Do you rinse them to get the dirt off? I harvest my first garlic this year and I was worried about them rotting if I washed them. Garlic has been sun dried. I trimmed the tops and will let them dry some more to seal the stems, then put the whole bulb in paper bags. I still have some from 2005 in perfect condition. When I pull from the ground, they are lightly washed, them put in the sun to dry. When the stems are sufficiently brown they are trimmed and further dried for a day or so. Durgan.
Durgan--garlic looks good for sure. Wondering, why are you pulling it now, rather than waiting for tops to die some and possibly giving more bulk to the bulbs? I know you want to avoid them separating into cloves too much as the dirt works it's way into the bulbs, but I do tend to leave them in the ground quite a bit longer than you. Just wondering about your system, which obviously works well for you if you've still got good ones from last year (ours started sprouting pretty bad a month ago and all got baked with olive oil for safe keeping :-)
The commercial growers pull by 1 July in the Holland Marsh area. Apparently they should be pulled when the neck gets soft, and the lower leaves start to die off. I had also earlier removed the snake seed growths and cooked them. Leaving them in longer only makes a tougher and more outer skin, and contributes little to the clove size. Zone 5. I haven't seen larger cloves on snake garlic. Durgan.