Help.............. I was given a Gardenia plant for Valentines Day. How do I take care of it? Sun, Water What
My houseplant book indicates the following care tips for the Gardenia: LIGHT: Bright light, at least 4 hours daily, but not strong midday sun. TEMP: Cool nights (60 degrees F) and warmer days (75 degrees F) promote strong flowering FERT: Feed plant every 2 weeks with a balanced houseplant fertilizer that contains micronutrients, esp. iron. WATER: Keep soil lightly moist, but do not overwater. Gardenias love high humidity. REPOT: Repot young plants annually in late winter, otherwise every 2 years to refresh soil. Use an acidic mix of 2 parts potting soil to 1 part peat moss. Hope this helps! :)
Was it potted in a small pot as a house plant? Is it a hardy type or must it be kept indoors. Was there a tag attached? We can all guess but to give you definitive advice, we need more info.