trying 2 find out about a heart shaped vine I believe it is a weed. It is overtaking everything in my yard very thine vine w/heart shaped leaves and green (pea like) berries on the vine it clings to any and everything and is choking out everything it comes in contact with. Can someone please help me it is all thru my yard and flower and veggie beds. Like I said it is overtaking everything HELP. thanks much
gardengetter, you do not mention the size of the leaves. Is it a vine that twines up anything it meets? What are the flowers like? Are the berries single or on a long stalk with others? Do the berries stay green or do they ripen to red or black? Are the berries soft and squigey or hard? How tall does it get? Any chance of borrowing a camera to add a pic? I am sure with a pic this would be answered straight away.
yes it will climb anything. no flowers, seeds berries (whatever) are hard and green and single, very thin vine. leaves start out small and the longer the vine gets the bigger the leaves get. no way to post picture. I am at work and we r not allowed to adapt anything to this computer. SORRY
I have never let one grow to c if the thing flowers or not or what the seed or berrie does. It grows like crazy and I dont want it chock out my other stuff
it is called Hyacinth Bean and this is my first year growing them, it has heart shaped leves, deep purple vine and it grows 16-20ft a year. does this look like what you are talking about??
no sorry and believe me it is very aggresive and fast growing no color but green almost perfect heart shaped leaf
Struggling to help on this. How about Dioscorea oppositifolia? Common name Chinese Yam.
Is it a wild morning glory ?? i know they are the worst for choking anything out .. i have them everywere .. and now i found out not to till were they are and i did that for my veggie garden ... hmmm mistake .. now i have tons more ... :( Marion
gardengetter. Can you have a really good look as your invader. For it to produce the green berry/seed/ fruit it must at some stage have had flowers. I am assuming that they are really tiny... which is why you have never noticed them. Does it have any on anywhere now? On this mile a minute plant are the leaves on the stem coming from the same place.. one on each side,(opposite) or are they staggered?