Gardeners' World,BBC2 9.30 tonight...Carol Klein takes a brief look at Japanese Maples.She's always so enthusiastic about any plants,will give some welcome and rare mainstream exposure to these wonderful plants :)
Well as I might've guessed,not really worth recordiing.Showed the public a quick insight into how maples are propagated though obviously not a 'how to'. Interesting that the nuseryman involved predicted 'Bi Hoo' as the next big thing.....well it hasn't happened yet.I know we all know the issues with this maple but I am surprised we haven't seen more of it.It's bark colour is extremely reliable in sun or shade and you can get a new graft up to decent size in it's first year.Would've thought that'd be enough to get it onto the marketplace despite any later issues.
I missed it, CK gives me a bit of a PITA I'm afraid. Not as bad as Monty, mind! :) Re Bi hoo, some grafters I know have stopped with it all together, because the bark is prone to pseudomonas which completely ruin the look of the tree. Unlikely to be the next big thing AFAICT. -E
I saw it and agree it wasn't worth recording. As mentioned above, CK's presenting style is not to my taste either, and they could have improved the presentation if they had featured some more interesting cultivars. They didn't really show Bi hoo off to its full potential and would have been better concentrating on varieties that are at their best at this time of the year. Having said that it was still nice to see Japanese maples on national TV, thanks houzi for the heads up.
Managed to catch the re-run on Saturday evening and it lived up to what i was expecting to see. "Look here's a red one here's a yellow one and here's a laceleaf" end of Japanese maple special! Don't get the Bi Hoo excitement though, will stick with my dwarf globosum much more interesting to look at for me.
He probably has a bunch on hand that he can't sell, so he took the opportunity of a national audience to promote Bi hoo in hopes that he could unload them.
You could be right JT,don't know who he was.Not sure he even showed Bi Hoo on the programme,and he mentioned he'd recently seen it in Japan so not even sure how old the item was...either way he's been proved wrong ha ha.(though I actually quite like it myself)