I'm not very knowledgable on matters of garden flowers. What would these clusters of flowers be? Thank you in advance for any help!
I agree on the videos. The 'Kanzan' cherry images are so sharp and clear. I would just suggest for plants and particularly trees or shrubs, including a "habit" photo of the whole tree or plant so people can tell what kind of plant they're looking at. Even for something like cherry trees, different cultivars have different shapes, so it would be helpful to show the tree shape. I hope you do a lot more cherry tree videos. :)
Thank you Sundrop! I really like filming everything I see out there : ) I see you are from the Kootenays. I lived in Kimberley for 7 years before moving to the coast a few years back...
Thanks Wendy! I usually do take accompanying photos for identification's sake. I didn't with this latest round of garden flowers I filmed. : ) That cherry tree video was from such a perfect spring day. Good memories! Glad you liked it!
Maybe you could show some of your videos here on the forums. I am sure a lot of people would love to see them.