Spring is on its way and I've got my seeds planted in a little greenhouse in my garden shed. The seeds have sprouted quickly and seem to be growing long and gangly... what do I do to prevent them from getting to long and not filling out? I had this problem last year and lost most of them, and the ones that survived didn't flourish at all, they became long, stalky plants with almost no flowers. They're at the stage now with two little leaves. I've planted zinnias, black eyed susans, and miscellaneous seeds... Thanks in advance!
I've had this problem and it was caused by not enough light. I learned that there isn't enough natural light here until after March 1st so anything I start before that I start indoors under lights and then move into the greenhouse in March. Hope this helps. edit: Now that I've read your post more carefully it seems you might have them under lights? If so how close to the plants? I keep them 1 to 2 inches above the seedlings. Les