Fungus ???

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by BillKist, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. BillKist

    BillKist Member

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    About a year ago I brought a philodendren into the house. Ever since then I have had a white growth like a fungus spread to most all my plants. It grows on the philo mostly on the underside of the leaves and on my jade plants on the main stalk at the junction of each leaf.

    I have been useing a Q tip and alcohol to remove it but I'm loseing the battle. It just continually returns. It's like a light fluffy white powder type of thing easily removed.

    Now the only other possible way this could have come in was on some bamboo plants we got at a wedding. Small plants which I in the last 2 months have tossed. They grew a sticky sap on them and this white fungus showed up.

    MY question is this.... A) Anyone know what it might be ? B) Suggestions for permanent removal ?

    I am planning to buy a house in upstate NY soon and don't really want to bring this along with me.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Alchohol etc. is used for insects like mealy bugs. Try looking those up to see if that is what you have and what needs to be done about it.
  3. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    If it is mealy, you can't always get rid of easily. You'll need to spray the entire plant with some rubbing alcohol (few drops or more) and water using a spray bottle, or, you can use a mild soapy solution. Few drops of mild dish soap and water, or, Insecticidal soap spray for houseplants. Spray the plant until it's dripping wet, including under the leaves (best to cover soil) and keep it out of direct sunlight until dry. Do this every 5-7 days for three weeks, then keep an eye out. Re-peat if necessary.If you miss any, they will come back.

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