I was hiking on the North Shore (Vancouver, BC) and I came across some type of growth. It looks like it multiplies quickly. It must be commen in the area, however, I would like to know what is it? Can anyone tell me what it is? I will attach a photo. Thank you in advance.
Wierdly enough, this is actually water! I've puzzled over this on many past occasions, and I'm sorry I don't remember the explanation, hopefully someone else in the forum does, but yes in certain conditions this is ice water extruding from the wood! cheers, frog
That picture was taken on Christmas day in North Vancouver, BC. The temp was cool but the temp was above freezing! It was around 10am that day. It may have been around 1 to 3 degrees Celsius. I find it difficult to believe it is ice water, but if these are the conditions that this formation requires then it may have been "ice water". When I tested its texture with my fingers it was somewhat sticky - but not cold and icy. I have higher res pictures if someone wants to get a better look. Just give me your email address and I can send them.
Frog has it...this is ice! It's just incredible stuff. Although it usually forms in temps of 0 or lower...I've read of warmer day-time temperatures also. It's called Philament Ice or Needle Ice. http://www.sierrapotomac.org/W_Needham/NeedleIce_070123.htm
definitely needle ice! i saw some today and it's not all that cold. i think it forms when the soil temp is below zero and the air temp (at surface level) is above zero. what's the difference between needle ice and frost flowers?
This kinda reminds me of a time when my epsom salt crystals didnt form corectly and made a snow like stuff.
Hhharms, here's another website with "ice flowers" photos that resemble your photo http://my.ilstu.edu/~jrcarter/ice/wood/ cheers, frog