hello folks, I came across a tree that drew my attention because had on it somewhat that resembled like a fungus or slime mould growing on it. On a closer look, there were several insect walking around that strange "thing" so I thought it could have also been their nest, so not a real fungus...I poked that thing with a stick, and it was not really hard yet not gelatinous.
seems really close to that photo : http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=190480832&size=l which has been labeled as Fuligo Septica (however, it may have been classified wrong). What if I take a small piece of that (1-2cm) and place it on a wet petri dish with oat ?
Not easy from fungi that grows on trees. Sure your one and the flickr one isn't fuligo septica. Your one maybe Phlebia cornea or a young other fungus. If you can return to the same trees ... after 15 days...we can see other caratheristics. Sorry for my horrible english! Nico
thank you...yes when I came back to the tree, the fungus turned brown and somewhat dry-powdered... any guess about that? thank you all in advance