There is a good Cornell University website. I still think nothing beats some good books though. is a link to a CFS PNW mushroom site with lots of illustrations. Also the California Fungi site had a lot of searchable info on its site.
Hi, Following mushroom site that has info on 600+ mushrooms and keys. Harry
Thanks to the Vinke's of the Chaco, Paraguay; the lichen site at gives species lists for most countries worldwide including individual lists for each of the states in the US and provinces in Canada. Harry
Tom Volk is a Wisconsin U biology professor who has earned the right to declare himself a fully certified mycophile. As all the signs and symptoms present themselves somewhere on this site, a short trip through his web-page should clear up any questions one might have regarding the affliction. What differentiates simple, dry, professorial mycology from full blown mycophilia will soon become readily apparent.
My Bookmark Collection Identification of Fungi Truffles of Istria Key to Major Groups of Mushrooms lichens MatchMaker ID key Mike Wood's Myko Web Paul Stamets' 'Fungi Perfecti (Mushroom cultivation products, etc.) Mycologia -- Selected Abstracts North American Mycological Association (NAMA) North American Truffling Society Online Atlas of Fungi in Northern Ireland The Fungi of California Tom Volk's awesome mushroom website Tom Volk's Fungi, including mycology, molds, morels, fungus Vancouver Mycological Society WELCOME TO MATSIMAN (Matsutake Hunters Bulletin Board) Western Montana Mushroom Photo Guide Wild About Mushrooms: the Cookbook of the Mycological Society of San Francisco.
These 2 links are broken: Kathie Hodge's World-Wide Web Virtual Library Mycology In fact, doesn't work either.
Here are a few more not already listed...
here are loads of links to all kinds of fungi web sites
Is there any Canadian links that anyone may have? I'm looking for a Manitoban one especially. Thank you.
There are a couple of Canadian sites in the Resources area on this forum: Fungus and Lichen Resources on the Web and in Print Resources for identification, appreciation and propagation of fungi, lichens and slime molds is young and budding but has the infrastructure laid for a pretty big operation.
Are any of these links to European mushrooms? I'm trying to find the ID of "something" found in Portugal.
I should note that many fungi have broad distributions, so resources from other countries are often helpful.
The British Mycological Society has some great sites and links, including and Also, the Swiss built a mycological centre recently, the Mycorama, which one would expect should be or become a Euro resource cheers, frog
Another great resource for SW BC and WA state (and beyond) that doesn't seem to be here yet is South Vancouver Island Mycological Society, at, based in Saanich.