Earlier this summer, I repotted my Jade as it was quite overdue for a transplant. It was all successful, unfortunately I couldn't use my old clay saucer and had to get a plastic one - well I forgot about leaving water standing in plastic trays!! I noticed some grey moldish looking stuff on a patch of the soil with a little mushroom sticking out. Not realizing where it was coming from, I just pulled it out and continued on as normal. Shortly afterwards, it stuck me what had happened, I immediately lifted up the plant, and saw mold growing out the bottom of the drainage opening on the pot. Tried removing it somewhat, cleaned a little with some Lysol and it seems to have subsided, but I'm keeping a careful eye on my Jade. I stopped watering it to reduce humidity, but the last time I did, I noticed the drainage was a dark brown like lake water. What is the best plan of action from here?
The answer is simple: don't keep it wet. Mold/Fungus like wet and Jades don't. If you let it dry out totally between waterings you won't have a problem.
Thanks... but I wasn't sure if it would totally kill everything - concerned re-watering would have it grow back. Should I worry about this or no?