Hello, I am hoping someone can help, I am an new gardener this being my first season starting a new garden. I have a container garden as I am in an apartment. There are two large wooden containers that I have noticed this fungi in (pictures should be attached). Two weeks or so ago I had purchased Sea Soil for the containers and shortly thereafter I noticed this fungi (also during our spell of Winter-like weather) growing only in the two large wooden planters. The fungi are light yellow, hollow and range in sizes from a pea to a golf ball. They are all clustered around the base of most plants, especially the lettuces. The do not have stems like a mushroom, but they have thick white roots. I pulled them all out and two days later, they came back with a vengeance. Does anyone know what this is, how to treat it (I will ONLY use organic products), and how to prevent it from coming back? Cheers
You have an ascomycete. Specifically you have a cup-fungus. A Peziza or related genus. The only way to get rid of it is to get rid of all the soil. They are not deadly, but are classified as having the potential to cause GI upset. They do not seem to be attractive to cats/dogs. I recommend you enjoy them as an addition to your apartment flora.