My neighbour sent me out in the rain to photograph these mushrooms. I'm not sure if she wants an ID or just wanted me to see them. Some general name we could give them would be good enough. They are on condo property next to the sidewalk on an urban street. The second photo shows them at the foot of Prunus avium rootstock. Other neighbours are fuchsia and moss, but there could be the cherry tree roots under all of this. The largest one in the first photo, the one on the left, is about 15cm in diameter; most others are around half that size. My best gill capture is near the right margin in the last photo.
Hi @wcutler Need a clear view of entire stipe, and of underside, both ideally close up, for accurate identification ... but so far looks like an Armillaria, which if that is the case, that is usually bad news for a shrub or tree on the property.
Thanks, @Frog! Clear views don't seem to be my thing lately. I can just pull one out of the ground and take it somewhere that I can do a better photo?
Thanks Wendy - yes if you reach under to remove the whole stipe, ideally of one of the fresh looking ones, then a shot of whole stipe and under cap would be great :-)
Nothing looked fresh today, but this is what I've got. This just lying in wait for me. These from the base of the cherry. This is the only one I lifted from the soil. From a different clump close by. Maybe another photographer was already here.