The sweet little herbs in my east-facing kitchen window have been invaded by fungus gnats. Yes, I know. I appear to have over-watered (though I tried really hard not to!) though I just bought a number of them about a month ago so they could have come in with the newbies. Plus we had a week or so of cooler than average weather this time of year that probably didn't help. At any rate, I'm trying to figure out what to do to get rid of the gnats without poisoning my basil, sage, rosemary and the rest. I've been trying to let the soil dry out, but the basil started wilting, even though the soil still felt slightly damp. So I gave in and watered and the basil perked up -- mostly. But even my sage that survived the Great Spider Mite infestation is looking hesitant these days. Any non-chemical tips?