Intend to plant a full moon maple in a large 18" container, understand this maple can be a problem, appreciate any tips you can provide to make planting successful. Thanks Jerry
Jerry, Do you see other Acer japonica thriving in your area? Zone 9 is said to be the limit to successfully grow this plant. Acer japonica is not a tricky tree to grow in a pot. I suggest good draining soil, adequate moisture and shade in the hottest hours of the day. It won't be content in an 18" pot for very long. If you're referring to 'Aureum' filtered light might be best.
Isn't this tree considered to be an Acer shirasawanum these days? I'm not sure whether 'Aureum' - the golden full-moon variety -- would be any trickier in a pot than in the ground. It's just kind of finicky in general, I think. I would keep it pretty much out of the Florida sun except maybe in the early morning hours. I'd also try to keep it slightly moist (not waterlogged) all the time during the hottest times of year. And I'd try to keep the pot itself from getting too warm, for instance by placing it among other greenery. In short, I would try to stop just a few mm on the safe side of killing it with kindness. (This would probably result in its rapid demise, but that's me.)