Fuchsia gall mite

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by tuffytown, Nov 23, 2020.

  1. tuffytown

    tuffytown Active Member

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    N. Snohomish US
    I purchased some fuchsias this summer from a large commercial greenhouse and seem to have brought Fuchsia gall mite into my collection. I have read up on tactics to help eliminate the outbreak but much of what I am finding is several years old and the products recommended don’t appear to still be available.

    Any advice on dealing with this pest or a fuchsia group that i could investigate?
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    @tuffytown, good afternoon, I don't grow Fushia's anymore but did so for many years. Once you have an attack I found the best way was to cut off any infected shoots and burn. If your infection is of a large scale I would cut your plants down to the ground and destroy everything removed by burning. Next season your Fushia's will re shoot without this problem. But be sure to remove everything including any dropped leaves etc.
    tuffytown likes this.
  3. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    Notify the nursery of your dilemma situation - can they take them back to incinerate — and get you new clean plants?

    Edit to add - I may have misunderstood - it’s not just your new plants — I am Re-reading that your previously existing collection now has infestation - in any case - have you informed the nursery. Professionals would want to know and could possibly suggest a remedy as perhaps they are having same issue in their own crops and livelihood.
    tuffytown likes this.
  4. tuffytown

    tuffytown Active Member

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    N. Snohomish US
    This nursery is known for volume and not necessarily customer service. I had never bought there before and now regret it. I have some 20 year old bonsai specimens I’m pretty concerned about or I’d just toss and start over.
  5. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    Oh goodness - that’s disappointing

    On a diff note than your original question above —— i have never heard of bonsai fuchsia

    Please post some photos here - I am curious
    Back to topic -
    There must be other bonsai fuchsia enthusiasts who can help with this dilemma disease state

    And warn them about the plant source you think contributes to your situation

    I feel energized by this because a decade or so ago I bought easily 1000 (yes thousands) of permanent plants (Rhodos etc) and it turned out the plants (and in fact the entire retail nursery) were infested with a very long name disease and I lost all that money and growth time plus sentimental value (a person of great personal significance helped me choose and plant and they passed while all my Rhodo were withering to twigs ... I know I could go get more plants for more $ (nursery denied refund) but it hurt at the time - so I can understand your concern
  6. tuffytown

    tuffytown Active Member

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    N. Snohomish US
    Bonsai is a glorified name for fuchsias I have been overwintering for years that have a hardened trunk structure and put off new green each year. There are real fuchsia bonsai artists whose plants I can only hope to emulate.

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