I have an Asian Plum(yellow/orange fruit) aprox 10 years old. Until this year it bore plenty of fruit. Nothing this year. It did bloom in spring. I live in eastern Maple Ridge and we saw many wet sunless days. Any ideas why fruitless? Thanks, Maureen
Plums normally require a cross pollinator. Although, the wet spring is the probable culprit...lack of bees and the flowers can end up just dropping off. As for a pollinator, did a neighbor remove their tree? I'm actually in Pitt Meadows where the big white barn on the highway used to be. My private blueberry crop is miniscule this year. I blame it on the weather and also all of the spraying they do in the commercial blueberry and cranberry fields north of here. I think it's making the bees sick.
Thanks David. No changes in the neighbourhood so I guess we'll go with the atrocious weather even though I have many spring blooming heathers nearby. The bees love these and usually do a great job. In past years we've had to share the crop with friends and family because of the hundreds of plums.