Hello! I am following a dream of mine and finally starting up a small retail nursery for edible plants. I am looking for good wholesale supplies for: fruit and nut trees raspberries strawberries blueberries currants figs grapes kiwis olives etc. Can anyone give me any leads? Thanks, Ryan
Piroche on the BC mainland comes to mind. You may want to check their stock to see if they carry even some of what you want. http://www.pirocheplants.com/main.htm It's very likely you'll have to source out a few suppliers to complete your list. Cheers, LPN.
Ryan, A group of us on Saturna Island import Tuscan olive varieties. We'll be importing a new lot this March, taking orders now. You can find out more at http://olivetrees.ca
As this thread concerns wholesale sources, it is worth noting that 1 gallon olive trees typically wholesale for around $10 each.
These are Tuscan varieties imported in small lots directly from California. The only wholesale olive variety available commonly in British Columbia are Arbequina which is not as cold hardy (as a young tree) as the varieties we import. We have bulk prices for orders over 20 if you contact us from our website.