(I thought I had posted this last night, but it's not here. oh well...) This first really makes me think it's a peach or apricot, but the leaves are all wrong. Flowers remind me strongly or Malus or Prunus, but I've never seen the tree set any fruit. It's almost leafless, and blooms along the stems. It doesn't seem to care whether it's blooming on fresh (this year's) growth or 1- or 2-year. Any clues? If you need more photos to ID it, it's growing in my yard so there's no problem getting them. It's about 30 feet tall. The grass is something that people here call Papyrus. Is it really?
Looks like Peach to me too, but could be one of the other closely related species. The "grass" is not true Papyrus but is a related species in the same genus Cyperus.
Lorax, I'm confused, which is not unusual. I seem to remember eating duraznos bought from the market in Maui. Online, the durazno & melocoton (Eng. peach) seem to be synonymous. the fruit I recall was not a peach, but had a taste that to me seemed to be somewhere between pear & beef gravy. I was not impressed, some of my companions loved it. I could not get a clear ID on the tning. I looked it up on Tradewinds fruit site & got nowhere. If you get things any clearer, I would appreciate a post. ...of course I shall now have to go back to Maui & investigate. Trying all the obscure (to me) plant edibles is one of my great enjoyments on holiday. gb.
Huh. GB, down here Duraznos are about the size of Apricots and taste like a mixture between Peach and Apricot. No hint of pear, or of Bovril. Vendors here make a clear distinction between Melocotones and Duraznos; Melocotones are the "true" peaches, which come from Chile and are much much larger, whereas Duraznos are the little "local" peaches, which come from just north of Quito, and are the size of small apricots. I have no idea what a Durazno tree looks like, but I'm a big fan of the fruit so I'm well acquainted with that. I'm not sure that Duraznos as I know them grow in Hawaii.
I realize the name is wrong now. It was not a peach of any kind. I suspect the vendor & I mis-communicated. I have been trying to figure out what fruit I ate...oh well, I survived to try again. Of course it was the one fruit I did not photograph! gb.
the third plant is Cypreus alternifolius. It is decorated plant grow indoors in Albania and people like it very much becasue they do need so much care just add water.
GB - you got me thinking, and if it was the size of a Durazno but tasted like Beef and Pears, you may have eaten overripe palm "peaches". At which point it would have been called Durazno de Palma.
Thanks Lorax. I hope you track down your elusive durazno tree & savor the little peaches straight from the branch. I will just have to go back to Maui & track my mystery down, ah life is full of chores! gb