Fruit and Nut Tree Resources Discussion

Resources for Fruit and Nut Tree Plant Care, Propagation, Identification and Appreciation

  1. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    I see no mention of mail order on the website; do they?
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  3. Riley Dimech

    Riley Dimech New Member

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    thanks, Im sure it will be handy.
  4. Holly M

    Holly M New Member

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    I like Boughen Nursery Valley river Manitoba. excellent bare root stock for mail order. over 100 years in business.
    I've ordered from them for many years.
    Fruit Trees and More near Sidney on Vancouver island is an excellent nursery. Bob Duncan will not sell you something that is not or your zone. not sure if they would mail - I've been there several times. last time bought an Arguta kiwi hardy for Calgary.
  5. Rob Beckers

    Rob Beckers Member

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    Ottawa, ON
    Holly, does Boughen Nursery have a Web site to see what they offer, and to place orders? A Google search doesn't seem to bring anything up.

    Fruit Trees and More does have a one-page site (Fruit Trees and More) but by the looks of it doesn't do mail-order.

  6. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    On the Fruit and Nut Trees resources page, I have moved the one nursery we had there to a separate item at the bottom of the page and have added Le Coteau and Fruit Trees and More. I found the address and contact information for Boughen Nurseries (13-26 20W NE, Valley River MB R0L,
    +1 204-638-7618), but the website is down and there is nothing to confirm that this company still exists. Perhaps it's closed for the winter, but still, the website should be up to say as much.

    Thanks for reviving this thread, @Holly M (much as we don't usually encourage reviving old threads, but in this case, it made sense). I see there are several suggestions here that are not on the resources page. I will check them out and add them.
  7. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I have added Denman, Green Barn, Grimo and Rhora's to the Fruit and Nut Trees | UBC Botanical Garden Forums page.

    @Rob Beckers , would you willing to check out the others in your first posting in this thread to confirm that they still exist, and mention the ones I should add in the discussion thread at
    Fruit and Nut Tree Resources
    Actually, if you'd be willing to list there the rest of the websites that have been mentioned in this thread that still exist, with the blurb, that would be a big help. You could suggest enhancements to the blurbs I did too.

    That Alberta one seems like it might not still exist. A page comes up with "page not found" and the links don't work.
  8. Gardening Granny

    Gardening Granny New Member

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    Has anyone tried Whiffletree from the Elmira area? They said they are zone 4 and seem to have good reviews.
  9. Rob Beckers

    Rob Beckers Member

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    Ottawa, ON
    Granny, yes, I've purchased quite a few trees from Whiffletree. They're good people to deal with! Very nice selection too. Just be careful, like many other garden places they "overrate" the zone of their plants/trees. We're officially in zone 5a, however, anything listed zone 5 or even zone 4/5 that I've tried will eventually freeze. Don't buy anything at least one zone hardier (ie. for me in zone 5, I only buy trees zone 4 and colder).

  10. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I have added all of the ones in this posting that still exist to the Fruit and Nut Tree Nurseries resource page.
    Note that I have moved the original thread to this resource discussion thread.
  11. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    Here is an up-and-coming food-bearing tree nursery on Vancouver Island:

    Peter B. Janes
    TreeEater Farm and Nursery
    2011 North Central Road
    Denman Island, BC
    V0R 1T0, Canada

    Home (250) 335-0970
    Cell (250) 897 8540

    We have a wide assortment of food bearing trees on offer; from more traditional types like Apple, Plums, Grapes, Cherries, Hazelnuts, and Elderberries, to more unique and rare varieties such as Shipova (a disease resistant cross between European Pear and Mountain Ash), Hardy Kiwi (Small smooth skin Kiwi that grows in clusters like Grape), Mulberries, Persimmons, Hardy Citrus, Goumi and Aki-Goumi, Fig, Medlar, Walnuts, and so much more.

    TreeEater Nursery is in its 11th year collecting, propagating and disseminating rare and unique fruit and nut trees which are chosen to thrive on the Northwest Coast. We have over 5 acres of mixed fruit and nut orchards, and we grow and sell over 250 cultivars of edible plants.
  12. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
  13. Simon Torr

    Simon Torr New Member

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    Innisfil, Ontario
    Hi Rob,
    I'm not sure if you are still collecting sources for fruit trees. We are a newer nursery & orchard in Ontario that are supplying cider specific apple trees on B.9 rootstock. Our first group of one-year whips will be available for shipping in the spring of 2020 and we have 23 varieties of cider trees available. Our website is at . I'm looking forward to following along in the forums!
  14. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Thanks, Simon. I don't know if Rob is still following us, but I have added your info to our Fruit and Nut Tree Nurseries resource file.
    I hope you will indeed follow along and help out with some replies when appropriate.
    Daniel Mosquin likes this.
  15. Simon Torr

    Simon Torr New Member

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    Innisfil, Ontario
    I’m sure there is more here for me to learn but if there is something I can contribute I’ll be happy to do so! Thanks for adding us to your directory.
    Daniel Mosquin likes this.
  16. sgbotsford

    sgbotsford Active Member 10 Years

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    Rural Edmonton Alberta area, Canada
    McFaylen is out of business. The link on the top of the resource page times out, and an article on Houzz claims they were absorbed into another company and don't do mailorder.


    Sidelight on resources that may be worth pursuing:

    1. The Alberta Fruit Growers Group (I'm actually uncertain what their name is, now that they are no longer sponsored by the Devonian Garden) runs a scion wood exchange most springs in April. Last year's was cancelled. The usual deal was that you plopped a tooney down for a 4-6 bud chunk of scion wood. Postage is a killer being about $10-$15 plus someone make the package up. The ideal setup for this would be between local groups.

    2. Do people swap scion wood here on this forum already?

    3. For people in the Edmonton area, I bring in fruit trees in pots from Jeffries in Manitoba. With sufficient warning, I can bring in anything in their catalog.

    4. I am looking at placing an order with a tissue culture outfit in BC for haskaps and romance cherries. Not strictly speaking bare root, but the plants are in a 1.5" pot and so are economical to ship. They aren't very big. Price would probably be about $10 each with a minimum order of 5
  17. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I'm sorry, I can't follow this. Where is McFaylen written up? I have done a find on the Fruit and Nut Tree Nurseries | UBC Botanical Garden Forums page and it does not come up.
    The link at the top of that page is AppleLuscious Organic Orchards, and it opens for me. What nursery was absorbed into Houzz? What page were you on?
  18. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    And @sgbotsford, more questions - is your nursery written up on one of the resource pages? Should it also be included on the Fruit and Nut Tree Nurseries | UBC Botanical Garden Forums page? Do you want to write the blurb?
    And what about Jeffries in Manitoba? Should I be including it in this resource? Do you want to write the blurb for that? I could include the bit about your bringing the fruit trees in pots from them to folks from Edmonton.
    I could put something somewhere about the order with the tissue culture outfit if it's a regular ongoing thing, not something that would need to keep being changed.
    And why is the link in your signature not clickable? You can click on the user icon at the upper right User-icon.jpg , select Signature, highlight your URL (and copy it), and click the Link button on the toolbar, paste or type the URL in there, Save Changes, so it will show up with the link working.
  19. sgbotsford

    sgbotsford Active Member 10 Years

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    Rural Edmonton Alberta area, Canada
    Hi Wendy

    McFaylen should be:

    McFayden - Large selection of berry plants and a few trees

    First message. of this thread. Sorry, my fingers lead their own life.

    Jeffries is based in Portage la Prairie in Manitoba, but does not do mail order. They are primarily a wholesaler, but do have a public store (in non-covid times) for local people. I bring a semi-trailer of ornamentals, and liner stock each year from them, so special orders are easy. I keep a more or less current version of their availability, and copies of sections of their catalog here: Sherwood's Forests -- Special Orders

    If you have a local garden centre that gets products from Jeffries (Northern Gardens

    My nursery is not written up, as it's very regional (I get the occasional customer from Southern Alberta, or from Peace River, but 90% of my trade is within a 2 hour radius.) ; almost all my fruit stuff is potted, and not really mailable. Is there a place telling what should/should not be listed? Lists like this frequently become crowded with stuff of limited/local interest. I don't want to be part of a problem.

    I've just started dealing with the tissue culture folks. Don't know at this time whether it will be ongoing. I used to get this stuff from Prairie Tech in Bonnyville, AB but they have closed, so I'm scrambling around to find a new supplier that is reliable.

    I will correct the link in my signature.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  20. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    OK, less work for me. McFayden is probably not on the resource page because I couldn't find it. There is no point having Jeffries there if it's a wholesaler with some very local sales. And for your nursery - it doesn't seem like you're looking for mail order business. There seems to be a limit to how many items can be on a resource page, or how long the page is; I haven't figured out what that is. I'll go with your take on this.

    I have another suggestion for your signature:
    Remove the email address. People can get that from your website, and those links don't work nicely now - they don't start the email with the address filled it like they used to, so people have to copy and paste it in anyway, and they can get that address from your website. Just have the one thing they click take them to your website. Your contact info is well-placed there, though still, clicking that does not start the email or even do the copy so people can paste it in. I'm guessing that's some change that was made in browsers to deal with how easily spam bots could pick up email addresses.
    And next to the link buttons is the Alignment button. I think left aligned looks better and might be more effective being on the margin where people are looking, but that might just be a personal issue.
  21. sgbotsford

    sgbotsford Active Member 10 Years

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    Rural Edmonton Alberta area, Canada
    We do a ton of mailorder, but it's it's not fruit and nut related. Mostly shelterbelt and native species.

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