Frost bitten camelia

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by bux, May 5, 2014.

  1. bux

    bux Member

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    surrey bc
    Last year I had transplanted a troubled camelia. Pruned it back about a third, repotted, repositioned and nutrified it and it bounced back amazingly. It bounced back so well that it began to show a lot of flower buds at the end of the summer. I am rookie but I do know that camelia bloom in early spring here. At the end of the growing season and into the winter it looked amazing with buds, but I have sine realized over the winter it sustained some serious frost damage. So by now it should have bloomed, but there is little activity, leaves are turning an of green matte color with brown buds? I cut into a bud and the bud is a vibrant red/pink on the inside encased with a frost damaged exterior. It seems like all the energy of the plant is trying to open these hundreds of flower buds which are encase with dead foliage. Any thought on how to proceed?

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